The Seraphim Array

Scranton Reality Anchor that uses a person within it. Originating from "PROJECT: Anathema." Addendum discovering its a person, O5-6 note voting on whether to adopt it into mainline SRAs.

rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-XXXX instances are to be kept on operational standby in orbit around Earth. Each station is to maintain a crew of at least 2 personnel at all times. These personnel are to be rotated every 6 months.

Personnel situated aboard are to clean the interior of their stations and ensure all systems remain operational.

Activation is prohibited for an indefinite period of time.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an array of kinetic bombardment stations in orbit around Earth. Each station utilizes altered Scranton Reality Anchors as ammunition instead of tungsten rods. All stations remain fully operational. Currently, there are 14 in orbit around the Earth.

Each station is equipped with living quarters, a small recreation center, and a command room, with a maximum occupancy of 4. Activation of SCP-XXXX requires 2 operators to simultaneously activate two switches in the command room. With all 14 stations, 86% of the planet is able to be targeted at any given moment.

SCP-XXXX was discovered when a previously unknown room in the basement of Area-17 was found during site expansion efforts. The room served as both an archive and launch room for all SCP-XXXX instances. The room had suffered from significant fire damage, rendering most of the archives lost and the launch computers dysfunctional. This damage has since been repaired.

The recovered documents refer to SCP-XXXX as the 'SERAPHIM Array' and that the array was completed sometime prior to 2013 in accordance with "PROJECT: Anathema." Other directives are mentioned within the scope of this project, although due to significant damage and decay, details on these directives are sparse to none.

Addendum XXXX.1 - Recovered Documentation:

Addendum XXXX.2 - Interview with O5-5:

A single station, in orbit around the moon. Perfectly stationary on the dark side of the moon. Targeting…something…

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