SCP-4137: Alien Invasion of One

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Item #: SCP-4137

Anomaly Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

Description: SCP-4137 is a deific intelligence inhabiting the Jovian moon of Himalia, currently a content creator on interplanetary web services. The entity is a disembodied consciousness, pervading all spatial points within one hemisphere of the moon while possessing unbounded psionic control over each. This is centralized on an impact crater at the hemisphere's pole — present details on the location are obfuscated by amassed clouds of ionized gas.


Himalia as seen by the Cassini spacecraft in 2000, at the time of SCP-4137's arrival.

First signs of the anomaly were in September of 2000, when the Foundation Astronomy Department observed gamma rays forming seven-fold fractal patterns from Himalia.1 Later inspection in the 2020s discovered the presence of a massive psionic field on the moon, though no activity was noted at this time. Himalia was marked as off-limits for interplanetary colonization.

In April of 2110 the SCP-4137-controlled hemisphere underwent abrupt physical restructuring, with its mass reconstituting into arrays of antennas, computer databases, and fractallic spires of unknown function. Social social media posts under the username "6lockHeir" emerged at this time and, as news coverage of Himalia's mechanization increased, 6lockHeir took responsibility for the events.2 Since then SCP-4137 has accrued a major media following, both from the initial media attention and their status as a prolific online author and artist. The only stated motivations of the entity are to "do anything that can brighten up people's situations in the world."3

The latest development has been the creation of SCP-4137-A, a corporeal avatar summoned for the purposes of attending conventions, religious gatherings, rituals, etc. Physical features are a six-armed humanoid body with female proportions, seven eyes, and iridescent skin. Psionic capabilities exist at substantially weaker levels.

SCP-4137 claims to be a descendant of Yorun-leusan, the Holy Sixth in Ortothan mythology.4 While the Church of the Second Hytoth has publicly announced the legitimacy of these claims, further Foundation investigation is necessary.

Addendum.4137.1: CELeste5 Profile Page

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