Rome Conquered Again
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

Description: SCP-XXXX is a space accessible through numerous gateways (see below). The exact size of SCP-XXXX is unknown; however, it is known that the amount of land within SCP-XXXX exceeds 17.1 square kilometers. SCP-XXXX consists of a flat grassy plain, with several notable exceptions.

There are currently four known methods of access for SCP-XXXX. These are, in order of discovery:

  • A door located in the basement of a home in Istanbul (SCP-XXXX-A).
  • A tunnel found underneath the city of Rome (SCP-XXXX-B).
  • A phrase that, when spoken aloud in Alexandria, Egypt, transports the user to SCP-XXXX (SCP-XXXX-C).
  • A ritual that, when performed in a church in Austria, transports the subject to SCP-XXXX (SCP-XXXX-D).

It is believed that SCP-XXXX was previously inhabited by ancient Roman civilization.

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