I Miss You, But I Won't Make The First Call
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a humanoid containment cell surrounded by a Faraday cage which has modified for efficient and convenient cell phone disposal. Once every month, SCP-XXXX is to be handcuffed to the support railing outside of their cell while maintenance is performed on their cell.

Description: SCP-XXXX is Evan Larrister, a human male at age 24. At random intervals,1 SCP-XXXX will manifest a Motorola RAZR V32 in either hand, regardless of whether they are currently holding something.

Cell phones manifested by SCP-XXXX are conclusively non-anomalous, though their functions are limited to outgoing phone calls to the single contact saved. The contact list cannot be updated and no incoming text messages or calls have come through to date.

SCP-XXXX was discovered after neighboring residents in the same apartment building raised concern over a mass disposal of phones in the communal dumpster on December 27th, 2019. Local authorities were notified about the suspicious behavior and arrived to investigate soon after. SCP-XXXX had left the apartment with a full trash bag of cellphones just as authorities had arrived. Upon inspection of the apartment, they found the floor, as well as several pieces of furniture, completely covered in cellphones.

Contact Log: Below is a current list of names that appear on manifested phones, as well as the amount of phones that have been processed to date. Descriptions of contacts have been provided by SCP-XXXX.

Lisa Best friend. 50
Terry Maternal grandmother to SCP-XXXX. Spoke with her approximately once monthly prior to containment. Last conversation was about a missed electric bill payment. 397
Ballbag Employer of SCP-XXXX and general manager of a convenience store. Proper name is "Trevor". 10
Stu Brother. 44
Penny Bartender for a bar frequented by SCP-XXXX. Has noted that they have never received a phone number from Penny. 9

Incident Log: On February 9th, 2020, a brief power outage occurred. While the reserve power generators were turned on, the Faraday cage surrounding SCP-XXXX's cell became inactive and required a manual reboot. In total, there had been a total of seven minutes and thirteen seconds that SCP-XXXX had been effectively uncontained.

Despite the power outage, SCP-XXXX did not use the opportunity to use any phones in its cell.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX

Interviewer: Dr. Galiera Franc, Site-228 psychiatrist


Franc: This is Dr. Galiera Franc, psychiatrist for Site-228. Today is February 12th, 2020. Time is… 11:40 AM.

SCP-XXXX: Excuse me, but is there a reason for all of that?

Franc: It's something that I did when my practice didn't take place here at the site. I got into the habit of it and I find that it is a good marker for when the session begins.

SCP-XXXX: Huh. I guess that makes sense.

Franc: But we're not here to discuss my practice, Evan.

Paper can be heard shuffling on Franc's desk. Immediately after, a soft thud noise is heard.)

SCP-XXXX: I'm so sorry. (Sighs.) That's embarrassing.

Franc: Don't worry about it. Your file says you don't have control over it. I understand. Just pick it up and place it on the table, please.


(A clinking noise is heard as SCP-XXXX puts the newly manifest phone on the table.)

Franc: That's actually relevant to what I wanted to speak about with you today. Looking at your record — that is, when we recovered you and the power outage the other day — you seem to have an aversion to using any of these phones. Personnel assigned to your care noticed a trend and wanted to know more about it.

SCP-XXXX: Oh. I… I just don't want to use them. That's all.

(A chair squeak is heard.)

Franc: Why not? The way you describe these people sounds like they are close to you.

SCP-XXXX: Trevor is not close to me. He was my boss and that's it.

Franc: What about your best friend, then? Lisa?

SCP-XXXX: I— She doesn't— It… It's complicated.

Franc: Complicated? But it sounds like you two are close. Few people use "best friend" lightly in their relationships.


Franc: Unless there is something you didn't tell us when we asked about your contacts.

(SCP-XXXX can be heard shuffling in its chair.)

SCP-XXXX: … Maybe.

Franc: Evan—

SCP-XXXX: What? I already have to listen to everyone here like I'm a prisoner. I can keep things to myself.

Franc: Evan, I'm not going to ask you to tell me all of your secrets.


Franc: But I need you to cooperate with me. You were brought in here because staff think there's something impeding your mental well-being. So, do you mind telling me about you and Lisa?


SCP-XXXX: … I haven't talked to her in four years.

Franc: That's a good start. Why haven't you talked to her for so long?

SCP-XXXX: That's kind of a long story.

Franc: I can make time for it.

SCP-XXXX: (Sighs.) About six years ago, Lisa moved away. To Australia. She got married there to a really nice guy — Kevin, I think? She was really happy about it, I thought.

Franc: You thought?

SCP-XXXX: Yeah. But she came back for a month. I saw her for a little while. Went to a few parties, stayed at her parents house with her one night. I had just ended a bad break up, so I really liked seeing her again.


SCP-XXXX: But, um… I kind of… I made things weird… between us.

Franc: Weird how?

SCP-XXXX: I don't really want to talk about it. Can we not talk about it?

Franc: We don't need to speak about it in depth. Just briefly tell me what happened and we'll move on.

SCP-XXXX sighs, followed by a deep breath.

SCP-XXXX: I made an advance that I shouldn't have. It was stupid. I'm stupid. It was an impulsive feeling that I acted on and it was stupid.

Franc: No need to keep degrading yourself like that. Now, please continue.

SCP-XXXX: Thanks. So, I messed things up. I wasn't super aware of it until the next day when her husband messaged me on Facebook and told me that she's upset. I freaked out. I knew that she only had a few days left, so I messaged Lisa. I tried to get a hold of her because I wanted to talk it out.

Franc: And what did she say?

SCP-XXXX: Nothing. I didn't get a chance to talk to or see her after that.

Franc: To be fair, it wouldn't be easy to speak with her if she lived in Australia.

SCP-XXXX: I'd agree if she hadn't moved back to the states and remarried.

Franc: Oh. I see. Have you considered calling her? She's someone that comes up a lot in your contacts.

SCP-XXXX: I have. And I want to. But…

Franc: … but what?

SCP-XXXX: I don't know if I can. I don't know if she would let me. It's been four years, Doctor. We're two completely different people now.

(SCP-XXXX lets out a heavy sigh.)

SCP-XXXX: I'm afraid that I only made it worse between us.

Franc: I understand. It can be difficult to make things right when the time comes. It can be a humbling experience to let your guard down in front of the people you respect and admire, as well.

SCP-XXXX: Yeah. I guess.

(A chair squeak is heard.)

Franc: Evan. You said that you wanted to speak with her. Is that still true?

SCP-XXXX: … I do.


Proposal Form
Submitter: Galiera Franc Concern: SCP-XXXX
I am requesting permission for SCP-XXXX to make a single outgoing phone call.

I have reason to believe that SCP-XXXX's persisting anomaly is connected to his mental state and feelings of separation. I would like to confirm this by allowing him to call a single contact, specifically "Lisa". It is clear to me that there is a tension between the two that would not only be an ideal testing scenario, but would also serve to encourage cooperation and possibly lead to a better overall mindset. It's also possible that it will cut down on electronic waste, should my hypothesis be correct.

Audio Log XXXX.1: The following log was permitted under the following conditions:

  • SCP-XXXX agreed to avoid any mention of its current situation. To better facilitate this, SCP-XXXX has been fitted with a shock collar. It is aware of its purpose.
  • The phone has been fitted with a listening device and, in the event of an information breach, has been modified to enable remote shut down.
  • Lisa has been tracked and MTF Ro-33 ("Walkie Talkies") has been discreetly stationed near her location for immediate response in the event of an information breach. They are to amnesticize the target with a Class-C targeted retrograde before initializing a factory reset on her mobile device.


SCP-XXXX paces back and forth in the cell as the tone rings.

SCP-XXXX: … Could you just pick up al—

Lisa: Hello?

SCP-XXXX: Ah, uh, hello?

Lisa: Wait. Evan? Is that you?

SCP-XXXX: Yeah, it's me. How're you?

SCP-XXXX stops pacing momentarily.

Lisa: Um, I'm good. How did you get my number?

SCP-XXXX: I don't know how I got it.

Lisa: That doesn't make sense.

SCP-XXXX: Yeah, I know that doesn't make sense, but I just have it, okay?

Lisa: Okay. So, what's up? Why are you calling me?

SCP-XXXX: Well, I can't tell you why. I don't want to get in trouble.

Lisa: In trouble? What's that supposed to mean? Are you alright?

SCP-XXXX: Yeah, I'm fine, I swear. I just wanted to let you know that…

Brief silence.

SCP-XXXX: … that I miss you. And I'm sorry.

Brief silence.

SCP-XXXX: I know it's kind of out of nowhere, but I've had a lot of time to think the past couple of years, and I always talk about you to my friends and stuff and I just really miss you.

Lisa: Is this for sex?

SCP-XXXX: No, I'm not looking for sex.

Lisa: Because I'm married, Evan. I was the last time, too. Not much has changed in four years.

SCP-XXXX: Yes, I know. That's not the point. I think about you all the time. Not in a "together" way, but — you know. A way. And I'm sorry.

Lisa: You're sorry?

SCP-XXXX: For the things I did before you left. The night you left, I didn't know what to do with myself. I think about all the things I said about you and what we were and I get really sick and—

Lisa: I just pulled into work. I'm hanging up. Nice talking to you.

SCP-XXXX: No, no. Please, just — Just hold on for another second.

Lisa: (Sighs) Okay. What is it?

SCP-XXXX: I don't have a whole lot of time. I don't know when — if ever — I'll be able to talk to you again. I'm okay, I swear, but I'm going to be better. And I thought it would be best to be better by you first. And I just happened to have your phone number. You've always meant so much to me and ever since the last day we talked, I've felt real shitty for what I did. I don't know how I could ever make things right, but…

SCP-XXXX pauses and takes a deep breath.

SCP-XXXX: I love you. So much. I want you in my life again so badly. You've always been my best friend.

Lisa: And you mean that?

SCP-XXXX: Yeah. I do mean that. I really miss you, Lisa.

Brief silence.

Lisa: A part of me misses you, too. I want to believe that you've been trying to be better. Really. I just want my old friend back. But I don't know if we're ready to be that way again. Not yet, anyway. … I have to go now.

SCP-XXXX: … that's fine. I said what I wanted to say. I hope that —

SCP-XXXX wipes his nose on his sleeve.

SCP-XXXX: I hope life treats you well. You deserved it the most out of both of us.

Lisa: Goodbye, Evan. Take care of yourself.

SCP-XXXX: … bye.


Closing Statement: Immediately following the call, Lisa appeared as a contact in greater frequency.

**Valued Critters:** [[*user Uncle Nicolini]], [[*user Zyn]], [[*user Dyslexion]].

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