Saturn Hexagon
rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: False information is to be disseminated to the public, releasing fabricated information in place of the following:

  • Actual mass and density of Saturn.
  • Composition of Saturn's atmosphere.
  • Experiments involving simulations of Saturn's atmosphere.
  • Footage of satellites passing by Saturn.

Foundation-controlled satellite OV-2341 is to remain in orbit of Saturn at all times, specifically above SCP-XXXX-1, in order to monitor anomalous activity from SCP-XXXX, including radio transmissions and levels of radiation.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a supermassive artificial complex at the center of Saturn. The origin and original purpose of SCP-XXXX are unknown. However, SCP-XXXX appears to be abandoned.

The entrance into SCP-XXXX is SCP-XXXX-1.

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