Why Overwatch Command Failed Its Recycling Goals
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Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:



Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is contained at its location of discovery. Foundation agents undercover as both normal pedestrians and New York Police Department officers are to monitor SCP-XXXX for any signs of undue interest by passersby, using both audiovisual surveillance and in-person patrols.

The former █████ Pizzeria (whose building SCP-XXXX is adjacent to) has been purchased and replaced with a Spicy Crust Pizzeria front, whose employees have been informed that SCP-XXXX is not to be used for normal trash disposal purposes. Additional Foundation agents are positioned at this restaurant at all times, in the guise of both customers and staff. Any passersby that make a more than cursory inspection of SCP-XXXX or attempt to dispose of trash within it are to be detained and interrogated regarding their motives.

Should a hostile group of any kind attempt to seize control of SCP-XXXX or its contents, on site security are authorized to use lethal force in its defense, and will be assisted by NYPD officers of the █th Precinct.

On a weekly basis, a five person detachment of MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") is to inspect the contents of SCP-XXXX for anomalous materials or documents and contain them at their discretion.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a dumpster, located on █████ ████ in New York City. Through unknown means, SCP-XXXX has become ontologically locked.1 Thus, SCP-XXXX cannot be destroyed, damaged, or moved from its original position. Periodically, evidence of anomalous phenomena manifest inside SCP-XXXX. To date, attempts to observe the moment of manifestation by visual inspection of its interior have proven futile.

SCP-XXXX primarily manifests various forms of garbage, albeit with occasional abnormalities. For instance, "Kokaloka" soda cans are frequently recovered, in addition to discarded products analogous to other real world brands. Less often, SCP-XXXX is found to contain inert or innocuous documentation related to known and unknown anomalies, including photographs, letters, internal corporate memoranda, and other types of documents.

SCP-XXXX's anomalous attributes were discovered by Marcus Scott, the previous owner of █████ Pizzeria. Mr. Scott used the classified information contained within SCP-XXXX to launch a lucrative online fiction blog, culminating in an ●●|●●●●●|●●|● outbreak.

On 3/13/2020, the following document was recovered from SCP-XXXX:

Overwatch Command Internal Memorandum

To: O5-2
From: O5-3
Date: 3/28/1998

I think we need to have a serious discussion with One about our infosec precautions. Yes, it's true that we have access to several of the most powerful supernatural levers of the world, and I accepted a long time ago that we're going to pull them some of the time. But fundamentally, headquarters is just like any other office building in the world. We don't need a dimensional flush where a simple incinerator would do the trick.

And tell your Factotum to stop leaving his coffee cups everywhere. They leave sticky rings on stuff and it's fucking gross.

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