Divine Hunger
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Item #: SCP-P

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Media outlets are to be suppressed and mentions of SCP-P removed.

Monotheistic houses of worship are to be monitored for signs of SCP-P infection. Individuals affected by SCP-P are to be detained and transported to Offsite Containment Facility 37. Those affected but not infected by SCP-P are to be amnesticized and released.

Description: SCP-P is a phenomenon randomly affecting religious leaders of any rank from monotheistic religions. Individuals affected by SCP-P (referred to as SCP-P-A) become prone to bouts of extreme rage and aggression, ultimately leading SCP-P-A to attack another individual.

All attacks lead to the attempted consumption of the victim, with 87% of these attacks being successful. During this time, SCP-P-A is able to eat an apparently unlimited amount of human material in an incredibly short amount of time.

SCP-P-A instances have been shown to be immune to diseases normally associated from contact with human fluids and tissues.

If SCP-P-A is unable to consume human tissue for a prolonged period of time, they will experience symptoms consistent with malnutrition (fatigue, dizziness, etc) and eventually expire. No physiological changes have ever been noted in any SCP-P-A to date.

Addendum-P-1: SCP-P was first encountered in 1967 affecting the Southern United States. An abnormal amount of cannibalism cases were encountered by police departments at the time, at which point the Foundation took over operations. Initial encounters were relatively rare, low in severity, and constrained to the Southern United States. However, since 1988, encounters have been steadily increasing in frequency, severity, and have spread to the rest of the United States.


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