Demon Man
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Humanoid

Containment Class: Euclid

Threat Level: Red

Special Containment Procedures: Entity-XXXX is to be kept inside of a three-room humanoid containment chamber. As per the request of Entity-XXXX, the following standard amenities are not to be provided to Entity-XXXX: cafeteria food, access to television, access to pornography, alcohol, and recreational drugs. The outer walls of the containment chamber are to be reinforced with concrete, and the door is secured with a steel airlock.

The following items are considered contraband within Site-33, and all personnel are forbidden from possessing them:

  • Alcoholic beverages of any kind.
  • Electronic devices with access to the internet. Devices that are only capable of accessing the Foundation intranet are allowed.
  • Pornographic materials.
  • Food items that do not pass the Site-33 Healthy Eating test.

In the event of a containment breach, all personnel are to be evacuated to an on-site bunker and frisked for contraband items. Instances of SCP-XXXX can be subdued via sustained small arms fire. Care must be taken not to injure Entity-XXXX during containment breaches.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a phenomenon surrounding Luke Einsling, hereafter referred to as Entity-XXXX. Entity-XXXX is a human male of French descent, with no notable physical abnormalities aside from occasional cases of arrhythmia.

SCP-XXXX are humanoid entities capable of manifesting by climbing out of one of Entity-XXXX's orifices. Although their appearance varies, all instances of SCP-XXXX are at least 3.2 meters tall, wear formal clothing, and do not have a face. During their manifestation, SCP-XXXX will physically coerce Entity-XXXX into various hedonistic activities, while destroying all obstacles to doing so.

SCP-XXXX communicate via a series of murmurs, which Entity-XXXX claims to be able to understand. Known instances of SCP-XXXX are listed below:

  • SCP-XXXX-1 is composed of a sticky, beige substance and wears a brown tuxedo. SCP-XXXX-1 has demonstrated the ability to change its physical form, allowing it to fit through small spaces. It will attempt to force Entity-XXXX to consume alcoholic beverages.
  • SCP-XXXX-2 is made up of various plastic objects and wears a light gray three-piece suit. SCP-XXXX-2 is able to exhibit control over internet-enabled electronic devices. It will physically coerce Entity-XXXX into accessing and using the internet, primarily on social media sites.
  • SCP-XXXX-3 is made of human flesh appears to be female, unlike the other instances of SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX-3 exhibits a cognitohazardous calming effect on those who view it. It will force Entity-XXXX to view pornographic materials.
  • SCP-XXXX-4 is made up of a caramel-colored, oily substance. It is obese and displays much greater strength than the other SCP-XXXX entities. It will coerce Entity-XXXX into consuming fatty substances.

History: On 2020-05-12, Entity-XXXX entered the Desmond County sheriff's department and requested to be put into a prison cell for his own protection. While Entity-XXXX was being interviewed by an officer, SCP-XXXX-2 and SCP-XXXX-4 manifested. They overpowered all of the personnel at the sheriff's department and forced Entity-XXXX to consume most of the food stored within the break room.

MTF Beta-4 ("Slapsticks") was deployed from the nearby Site-33 to contain SCP-XXXX. After the instances had been subdued using explosive weaponry, they were observed to "climb" inside of Entity-XXXX. Entity-XXXX was then taken into Foundation containment.

Initial Interview Log


Interviewer: Researcher Calvin

Interviewee: Luke Einsling

Foreword: Due to the danger posed by Mr. Einsling, this interview was done remotely.

<Begin Log>

Mr. Einsling: Can you help me? I need help. Please help me. Please.

Rsr. Calvin: We'd like to help you, Mr. Einsling. But we need to know more about your condition.

Mr. Einsling: I can't think about the demons. It makes them come faster.

Rsr. Calvin: The "demons?" Is that what you call them?

Mr. Einsling: Stop talking about them. If I think about them, they appear.

Rsr. Calvin: When did they first start "appearing?"

Mr. Einsling: Some self-help chucklefuck told me he could make me a better person. All I had to do was fight my… <Deep breath.> Can you put me in a cell yet?

Rsr. Calvin: This "self-help chucklefuck," can you—

Mr. Einsling: No, no, you don’t understand. I…

<At this point, SCP-XXXX-1 manifested by climbing out of Mr. Einsling's throat. It broke the teleconference monitor, then injured several Site-33 security personnel. It brought Mr. Einsling to the break room, where he consumed all of the alcoholic beverages contained within.>

<End Log>

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