Closing Time
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Threat Level: [removed]

Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-XXXX's relatively low impact on normalcy, as well as the high cost associated with containment, Foundation interaction with SCP-XXXX has been limited to surveillance. A Foundation-owned webcrawler bot, currently Anomaly Analysis and Discovery Construct v1.2 (A3DC1.2) is to analyze publications of newspapers and internet forums for sightings of humans without eyes. In especially severe instances of these sightings, any civilian known to be in contact with SCP-XXXX is to be given an appropriately strong dose of Class-A amnestics.

Foundation agents coming in contact with SCP-XXXX instances are advised to attempt contact with them and inquire their purpose.

Description: SCP-XXXX refers to manifestations of humans without eyes. Instances of SCP-XXXX are visually identical to baseline humans with the exception of their empty eye sockets. SCP-XXXX will spontaneously appear in a random location, then survey the area for between three and five hours before moving to an unsurveiled area to disappear.

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