A Woman Alone
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Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


Path of destruction of the 2/XX/2017 event.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX has been declared condemned by the municipal authorities of the state of Michigan, in association with the Foundation. Its surviving population has been evacuated, interviewed, amnesticized and relocated, contained, or terminated as appropriate. Foundation information security personnel, in association with the Unusual Incidents Unit, Pentagram, Wilson's Wildlife Solutions, and the aforementioned local authorities are working to erase, censor, and contain evidence of the existence of SCP-XXXX and any of its contents in maps, the internet, literature, and any other sources.

SCP-XXXX is physically contained by means of continuous aerial drone surveillance along its boundaries. Any trespassers sighted are to be intercepted by the on-site task force, MTF Alpha-4 ("Yonic Sections") and interrogated, amnesticized, and released or terminated as the situation may require. Agents of MTF Alpha-4 are additionally positioned along all interstate highways and other roads by which SCP-XXXX is accessible, under the cover of state traffic workers, and with the same terms of engagement for those attempting to enter SCP-XXXX.

Update XX/XX/2017: The Global Occult Coalition has positioned an ARTEMIS-series thaumatic killsat in geostationary orbit over SCP-XXXX, should it become necessary to terminate SCP-XXXX-α. However, this is believed to be a remote possibility.

Description: SCP-XXXX is the entirety of the town of Claredon, Michigan, USA, particularly the grounds and buildings of the campus of the former Meridian University. Beginning in the fall of 2016, SCP-XXXX was the site of a series of paranormal events of increasing magnitude, culminating in its current condition.

Presently, SCP-XXXX is a reality-unstable zone exhibiting various anomalies, primarily biological in nature. Drastic damage and alterations to its extant artificial structures are observable, such as a series of several dozen apparently indestructible cartilegenous spires, between three and ten meters in height, emerging from the ground in various indoor and outdoor locations. Other root-like and fungus-like biological growths have infested much of the town's indoor and subterranean surface area, but are similarly resilient, making sampling and examination difficult.

Animal life within SCP-XXXX universally displays highly unusual sexual dimorphism, aggression, and abnormal resilience. Plant species within SCP-XXXX tend to display a similar range of anomalous properties and behaviors, if they display anomalous properties at all. Additionally, anomalous extreme weather and geological events have inflicted severe if inconsistent damage over much of SCP-XXXX.

Update XX/XX/2017: See Addenda regarding SCP-XXXX-β, an underground structure tentatively believed to house SCP-XXXX-α, an ontokinetic entity responsible for the formation of SCP-XXXX.

Addendum XXXX-1: Timeline Of Events

Time Event
October 25th, 2016

Addendum XXXX-2: Exploration

Addendum XXXX-3: Recovered Evidence

Addendum XXXX-4: Containment

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